Sunday, January 31, 2010


The kids got a new tractor toy that plays music. The kids decided it was good jam-out music.

The best part of this video is the first few seconds. What a big boy!!
I thought I'd post some new pics and videos to this website (upload time is faster on Blogspot than Facebook....). Kids just turned two, and Declan is 4 months. We are getting ready for Declan's baptism on Superbowl Sunday, and look forward to family coming down for that. The kids are growing fast, and are finally on the "average" side of the percentiles. =^) Declan is still an overachiever, and is nearly 16 lbs, and tall. Hope this finds you happy & God bless you!

Grace and Graham got the rails taken down, and now have their "new" toddler beds. They have done a good job staying in them....we've been lucky.

Enjoying our ice cream after a long pediatrician's visit.

Declan watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Grace giving Baby Brother sugars

I think that says it all!