Monday, June 29, 2009

End of June pictures

Mmm, can't wait for these tomatoes to finish ripening! There's one bigger than this still on the vine...and luckily the birds haven't found it!

We discovered another mourning dove nest this weekend.

Grace defending her apple.

Graham trying to get Grace's apple.

Grace lounging with her apple.

Raspberries galore!

Yep, raspberries were a hit.

How cute is this photo!

She just happens to be wearing her "apple of my eye" shirt.

Reading time. Grace loves to read every book during any given reading session.

Sweetest face!

Grace playing peek-a-boo

Graham playing peek-a-boo

Just some cute photos of the kids. You'll see they're (a)messy (b)cute.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

6/20 videos

Graham and Daddy having dance time.

Kids playing with the sprinkler.

Some new pics and videos (6/20/2009)

Who me???

Walking and talking

Tempe arranged the slippers....

Kids found their shoes while we were trying to get pajamas on.

Compare this cheese and cracker snacktime to Grace's a few pictures down.

Kids had fun during art time.

The kids have been making us get the camera and video camera out a lot this weekend, so here are some pics.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Couple of Grace videos

Grace eating mac and cheese by the fistfull. The bowl was about 1/3 full to begin with, and by the time she was done had exactly two noodles left.

Grace and Ben dancing.

Early June pics and movies

We had two successful nests in our back yard. Momma bird (a mourning dove) had 2 babies (in our hanging tomato plant), and a mockingbird had 3 babies deep inside our honeysuckle vine.

Tower Graham built

Graham did the Race for the Cure with Mom.

Very handsome boy!

Grace and Graham playing in their new pool!

Grace tackling Graham

Funny sleeping position

Grace eating blue jello on a (luckily) a blue shirt day!

Grace is helping to give new meaning to strawberry blond.

Here are some recent pics and short movies. The kids are very good at their walking now, and are even practicing speed walking! We are working on words and sign language. Our au pair will be here in less than a month, and we are all very excited for her to be a part of our family. The kids have been doing art projects in school, and at home have mastered preparing the dogs' food for each meal. Grace and Graham are now 16 months old, and baby 3 is 6 months along.