Friday, June 11, 2010

Declan can crawl! June 2010

Just short of 9 months....

June 2010 pics

Kisses for Grandma

Big D standing up playing trains

Playing with the sandtoy Miss Raveena got us!

Papa under attack...

...from these two!

Momma playing horsey with the kiddos

The kids helping themselves to donuts.

The dogs found some baby bunnies. This one was saved. Graham is practicing "gentle."

Braxton and Grace putting stickers on Kathryn.....instead of the paper they were given.

Kath and Tom teaching Braxton and Grace how to play kickball.

Playing outside on the slip-n-slide! Declan loves playing in water!

The kids thought water on the sidewalk was an awfully fun toy. Who knew!?!?

Braxton and Graham studying how the water gets in to the slip-n-slide. Grace and Papa had a grand time playing while the little boys mulled it over.

Grace and Braxton sharing a seat and a snack. So cute!

Ahh....a chance for the adults to relax!

Te he he....Declan found Mr. Potato Head's eyeglasses....and tush.

Grace showing off her Hogan soccer gene.

Aunt Becky teaching her nephews how to kick the beach ball faaaaaaaar!

Declan helping Kaden understand how to move the tractor. It helped distract Kaden from the fact that he was on his belly.

See, and then you turn it over to get it in your mouth easier....

Well, in his defense, it IS a comfortable couch!

We had a great time with family over the past month! Thanks to Kath and Tom and the boys, Becky, and Tracey, and Grandma S for coming down!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Couple of new videos

Kids playing peek-a-boo.

Feeding the kids lemon slices. What? It's funny!

Pics from Spring 2010

Grace fixing up Dayan...and she looks marvelous!

G-man reading a book to himself!

Grace hearts her Barbie doll (that Ben got her).

Look at this big man! He now has 2 bottom teeth & has cut his front right tooth.

Just another lazy morning....

Now you listen to me, Sing Song Puppy....if that IS your real name....

Atleast we have each other...

Painting their feet is a favorite past time!

Aw, Momma loves this picture!

Sorry, needs to be rotated, but so cute!

2nd most snowfall on record this winter. It was wild! (Still under 2' total....which is A LOT for Dallas!)

Here Grace, this is how you put the carrot on the snowman's nose....

What? Is there something on my face?

Our good friends Brenda and Leon are Declan's Godparents. Declan kinda sorta fell asleep in church.

Speaking of's tough being a kid who has to SIT and eat lunch.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The kids got a new tractor toy that plays music. The kids decided it was good jam-out music.

The best part of this video is the first few seconds. What a big boy!!
I thought I'd post some new pics and videos to this website (upload time is faster on Blogspot than Facebook....). Kids just turned two, and Declan is 4 months. We are getting ready for Declan's baptism on Superbowl Sunday, and look forward to family coming down for that. The kids are growing fast, and are finally on the "average" side of the percentiles. =^) Declan is still an overachiever, and is nearly 16 lbs, and tall. Hope this finds you happy & God bless you!

Grace and Graham got the rails taken down, and now have their "new" toddler beds. They have done a good job staying in them....we've been lucky.

Enjoying our ice cream after a long pediatrician's visit.

Declan watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Grace giving Baby Brother sugars

I think that says it all!